Ensuring Safety for Outdoor Workers This Summer

Posted on 07/18 by Erin Helms

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As a leading staffing agency, LaborMAX takes pride in supplying safe and reliable temporary workers for construction and roadwork projects. With the busy summer season upon us, it's crucial to ensure the safety of our outdoor workers. Here are essential safety tips to help our temporary staff stay protected on the job.

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Heat and Hydration Safety Tips

Posted on 06/19 by Erin Helms

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If you work outside or in an environment where you feel the heat, you know it’s important to drink enough water in order to keep your body functioning properly. But why is that important? And are there other ways to keep yourself hydrated? Here are some tips and tricks to stay safe.

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Safety Considerations for Construction Cleanup Crews

Posted on 05/22 by Erin Helms

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Safety is the most important thing for all employees, but that’s especially true for cleanup and construction crews. When starting to clean a work site, remember these six hazards to best protect yourself and your crew.  

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Construction Safety Week in May

Posted on 04/18 by Erin Helms

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With the return of spring comes Construction Safety Week! Everyone has a responsibility and a role to play when it comes to keeping workers safe on construction sites. Each spring, we dedicate a week in May to providing smart, sensible, actionable advice to promote safe working environments for construction workers. Here are the topics for this year's Construction Safety Week, taking place May 6-10, 2024:

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Restaurant & Kitchen Safety Tips

Posted on 03/21 by Erin Helms

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It’s the job of everyone in the kitchen, from the cooks and chefs to the server running plates out to hungry customers, to make sure food is handled safely and stored properly. Here are some restaurant and kitchen safety tips to help protect yourself, your coworkers and customers alike.

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Janitorial & Housekeeping Safety Concerns

Posted on 02/15 by Erin Helms

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Behind every sparkling clean office and working environment is a hard-working janitorial and housekeeping staff working tirelessly to keep everything spotless. It’s a dirty job, and you’re the one who will do it! But while you should take pride in your work, it’s equally important you stay aware and alert to the many safety hazards inherent to this job. Here are some safety concerns to keep in mind as you go about your shift.

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Construction Site Safety Guidelines

Posted on 01/18 by Erin Helms

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There’s a reason construction workers wear hardhats: These are dangerous, risky jobs in which there’s a lot of machinery, tools, heavy components, maybe some incredibly high temperatures and heights, all needed to do the job correctly. The slightest distraction could result in a rather serious injury. But working in construction doesn’t mean injury is unavoidable — it just means being mindful and cautious, paying attention to what you’re doing and being observant of the environment around you. Here are 10 important safety rules to keep in mind when you work at a construction site.

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PPE Essentials for Warehouse Employees

Posted on 12/21 by Erin Helms

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All workers who encounter chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards must wear PPE. Employers must provide PPE in warehouses when it is needed to protect workers from job-related hazards. Here are some PPE essentials for warehouse employees.

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5 Keys to Loading Dock Safety

Posted on 11/16 by Erin Helms

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A loading dock is a fast-paced, dangerous environment, and workers who lack proper equipment and training are at risk of injury. Most warehouse injuries happen on the loading dock. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), semi/tractor-trailers are the second leading cause of backover fatalities in the U.S. There are 85 fatalities involving forklifts yearly. No two warehouses are the same, but safety must be a priority at all warehouses. Your cargo is essential, but your employees are your most precious asset. Do not jeopardize their safety. Here are loading dock safety tips.

Posted in Safety Resources

Machine Safety: Best Practices for Operating and Maintaining Production Equipment

Posted on 10/19 by Erin Helms

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Machinery is standard in factories and other industrial environments. There are, however, risks attached. There are sharp edges, hot surfaces and moving parts, and you must protect your workers. There are many reasons why your company needs to adhere to best practices for operating and maintaining production equipment.

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Food Safety in the Kitchen: A Comprehensive Guide for Line Cooks

Posted on 09/21 by Erin Helms

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Maintaining food safety in the kitchen is a prime responsibility of a line cook. Line cooks must follow health code regulations and keep their stations clean. At the end of shifts, the line cooks must properly clean their stations and put their tools and food away. Food safety in the kitchen is crucial. Here is a guide for line cooks followed by a sampling of food safety certifications beneficial to line cooks.

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Short Safety Chats to Boost Employee Engagement

Posted on 08/18 by Erin Helms

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Short safety chats with your workers are an ideal way to boost employee engagement. It is an excellent way to prevent lapses and complacency among your team members. Short safety chats remind employees of proper procedures while preparing them for new hazards they might encounter during their workday.

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The Dangers of Flagging; What Flaggers Must Know to Stay Safe

Posted on 07/20 by Erin Helms

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Flaggers are essential for the protection of workers and motorists. However, flagging comes with significant risks, so workers must protect themselves and others in the work zone. Flaggers must understand the traffic control plan, be aware of their surroundings, communicate effectively, and follow established protocols to stay safe. Here are tips to minimize risks and keep flaggers safe from hazards.

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Outdoor Construction Worker Safety

Posted on 06/22 by Erin Helms

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Construction workers work outside, which means weather conditions are a significant factor in the safety of your employees. Outdoor construction workers endure exposure to many hazards depending on the type of work, geographic region, season and duration of time spent outside. Four significant dangers for construction workers include strong winds, temperature, lightning, and heavy rain.

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Beat the Heat: 10 Tips to Stay Cool While Working in the Hot Weather

Posted on 05/18 by Erin Helms

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The summer is coming, and along with it, extreme heat. For warehouse and manufacturing employees, staying cool is a crucial challenge. There are ways to ensure your employees stay cool this summer while working in the heat. Here are some tips.

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Proper Lifting Techniques

Posted on 04/06 by Erin Helms

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Back injuries are responsible for one in five workplace injuries. Back injury is painful and disabling; most who experience back pain endure a reoccurrence within a year. The consequences, including workers’ compensation, days away from work and lost productivity, are expensive. Proper lifting techniques are essential for avoiding the painful and disabling injuries associated with poor lifting techniques. Here is how to lift correctly.

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Choosing the Right Safety Boot

Posted on 02/16 by Erin Helms

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Many wounds caused by workplace accidents are foot injuries. Your employer must provide, maintain, and replace safety shoes for you. These boots are particularly critical when working in high-risk areas. When choosing the best safety boot, you must consider specific criteria. Considerations need not be limited to personal safety, protection level, and anticipated additional protection. It would help if you also considered aesthetic and comfort criteria. There are many options, so how do you choose the right safety boot? Here is some help.

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Light Industrial Safety Tips

Posted on 01/19 by Erin Helms

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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), most workplace injuries occur in the manufacturing industry. Light industrial workers work in hazardous environments, and injuries can be costly to your organization. These light industrial safety tips keep your workers safe and your business running efficiently.

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Aerial Lift Safety

Posted on 12/22 by Erin Helms

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The aerial lift is great for accessing job sites such as roofs, HVAC equipment, and hard-to-reach projects where scaffolding is not an option. Safety is of the utmost importance with Aerial lifts. You must be familiar with the hazards aerial lifts present such as tips, collisions, and the risk of electric shock. Here is how to stay safe while using aerial lifts.

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Delivery Driver Safety Tips

Posted on 11/17 by Erin Helms

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Delivery driving is a dangerous job. The consumer demand for this industry is steadily increasing, creating safety challenges. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to delivery driver safety, but there are measures you can take to make your deliveries safer for you.

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Safety 101: How Often Do Industrial Employees Need Workplace Safety Training?

Posted on 10/20 by Erin Helms

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Safety is a significant concern for industrial employees. You want to provide your employees with the best safety training possible for their health and to protect your business. It is vital to ensure compliance. If you lack safety experience, knowing when your employees need to be retrained or receive refresher safety training might be challenging. Here are some fundamental guidelines to point you in the right direction.

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Can Over-Communication Improve Workplace Safety?

Posted on 09/22 by Erin Helms

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Communication is vital to achieving a safe working environment for your organization. Although many companies have efforts to reduce the number of work-related accidents, workers are still getting injured due to occupational hazards and illnesses within the workplace. Workplaces with open communication and frequent interactions between employees and supervisors are essential to organizational safety. Over-communicating workplace safety helps to distinguish companies with low accident rates from those with high accident rates. When organizations have open communication, it demonstrates that they are willing to accept feedback and questions from anyone and respond to any safety concerns from employees. Here are some ways your organization can improve the safety communication of your workplace.

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Safety Leadership

Posted on 08/18 by Erin Helms

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Maintaining safety leadership in the workplace is effective for keeping a safe work environment for employees. These leaders also provide training and update policies to ensure a productive work environment. Safety leadership is the ability to organize workers around safety challenges and influence behavior, so it becomes safe. Here is why it is critical and how you promote safety leadership.

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What Is a Safety Audit?

Posted on 07/21 by Erin Helms

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Within an organization, the safety of employees is critical. Leaders should conduct safety audits to assess how they work and determine how to make it safer and more efficient. Safety audits help establish security procedures and minimize injury risks. Safety audits adhere to federal regulations, show dedication to the safety of employees, determine the cause of workplace injuries, and make it possible to update safety protocols.

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Heat Safety Tips

Posted on 06/23 by Erin Helms

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In the United States, high temperature is one of the leading causes of weather-related deaths. Heat-related illnesses can occur in short periods of exposure, and everyone is vulnerable, particularly young children, older adults, persons with persistent medical conditions, and pregnant women. So, what can you do when the heat rises in your community? Here is how to stay safe.

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How to Transition to 3rd Shift, Safely

Posted on 05/19 by Erin Helms

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If you are a first shift warehouse or manufacturing employee transitioning to the 3rd shift, the move can be rocky. You will find yourself fighting off drowsiness, fatigue, and brain fog if you get it wrong. The transition can also be unsafe for you and your co-workers if you attempt to work on a limited amount of rest. Here are tips to help you transition to the 3rd shift safely.

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Spring Safety Tips at Work

Posted on 04/21 by Erin Helms

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Spring is a great time to relax, thaw and enjoy outdoor activities again. It is also a time of hazards, particularly safety threats. Here are tips for staying safe at work this spring.

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Working Alone Hazards

Posted on 03/17 by Erin Helms

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A lone worker performs their job alone, without others present and supervision. A lone worker works in the same building or area but is out of hearing distance. A lone worker can also be working with another person who cannot provide help in an emergency. The number of people working alone increases, especially with remote work and work from home.

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Posted on 08/31 by Tony Shine

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Gravity doesn’t work differently in the back office than it does in the warehouse. Bad lifting technique can lead to back injuries as easily among a set of cubicles as it can near a forklift. That’s why proper lifting is crucial, whether in the warehouse or in the office. It’s an important topic. Government data show that back complaints represent a substantial portion of non-fatal workplace injuries each year. To avoid this, you need to know the right way to approach something heavy. With this in mind, treat proper lifting as an important safety issue. Learn the right steps and think about the process. Here are some steps to take:

Posted in Safety Resources

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The Role of Traffic Flaggers in Work Zone Safety

Traffic flaggers play a crucial role in ensuring safety in work zones. They direct traffic and keep workers and drivers safe. LaborMAX offers ATSSA certification for flaggers in most states, though some states require DOT-specific training.


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